Wow. It's been awhile, yes? I've been "promoted" to the next level at work, meaning I make $.10 an hour more and no longer qualify for incentive due to the fact that the cardmembers I talk to aren't forgetful of their bill; they've been rendered unable to pay. I would complain, and while at times it can be mind-numbing, I'm grateful for the silence, and for the opportunities not speaking to anyone that have been granted to me, more so after the new year when the semester starts up.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm re-enrolling for college and while I'm only shooting for two classes, it's something and it'll be getting me one step out from the vortex of crap jobs I find myself in. I'm going for math and English this semester and I plan to attend every available semester until I'm done. So while I may not have a true summer vacation, I won't have a full work load either, and I'm happy with that.
The only major change that's been made in my life since last posting is cooking. I've been baking a lot lately and oh ma gawd I love it. I'm sending a lot of friends whom I either haven't been in contact with or friends who I have no way of seeing this year tins of cookies. I've made eight different cookies so far and I'm not even close to done. So far I've learned that gingerbread men are a bitch to make, but Brer Rabbit full flavor molasses is probably the best discovery I'll make this season. Tasty, folks. Tasty.
Having a job not involved in retail has me remembering that I don't really hate Christmas after all, though I still firmly believe that there is a special place in hell reserved for those who try to butt Christmas in before Halloween and all of those damn songs about shopping instead of the Baby Jesus, which is what the holiday is supposed to be about. Well everyone really knows that Christmas is just a whitewashing of the pagan celebration of the winter solstice, but that's beside the point. Anyway. I'm a little bit giddy to buy people presents and to decorate my place. That's what I was getting at.
Today marks the first day real snow day of the season. I topped out at 50 on the freeway this morning and nearly rear ended a Civic on my way to work. And though I've got an extensive list on my love/hate relationship with snow and winter, everything was eclipsed by the need for a cup of tea and a stipulation of sorts, which is what I currently present to you.
I've been thinking a lot about Em Grace lately. I don't know what's prompted it, but I miss that lady with quite the ferocity. I think what started me off was the question a book asked me to name off someone who has fulfilled their dreams. Now, Em, I'm not saying that you've accomplished everything that you hope to in your life, but if there's anyone I can think of who has made a significant impact on the planet and on strangers, it's you, hands down. You're quite the inspiration, and I tip my hat to you.
Anyway, back on track, I've been missing my Em Grace. I'm actually drinking MightyLeaf tea, as it's the tea we drank back in the Solid Rock. I'm pondering, rambling, musing. And I've got Iron and Wine a-playing. I hope her pumpkin bread arrives as moist as it is the day I make it, later this week.
So yes. That's about it. Oh and my laptop is on its way out, so I'm looking at replacing it, and my connection freeloading, bandwidth stealing ways were cut tragically short when both neighbors with unsecured connections moved. That is all.