I start posting more than once a year, and said posts are longer than a sentence. Or, on the other hand, I post more often than once a year and have to write entire dissertations because of the amount of goings on in my life. What say you, gentle reader?
A lot has changed in the past year...ish. A lot has stayed the same too: I'm still at Discover, I still quest, I still bake, I still fence, I still dance. As for the changes, though, I've found myself in a relationship. It moves more slowly than I'd like but for the right reasons. Regardless of the speed, his name is Chris and he's wonderful. We met at fencing like six years ago and have been doing that and questing for pretty much that duration...minus his adventure to Portland to become a pastry chef and my meandering into Wyoming for a year and a half...but yes. We've been dating since June and it's been rocking the casbah and my socks since then.
December will mark the end of the third semester of being back at school. I've only been taking 6-7 credit hours and working 32 hours a week. It seems to be a good balance, though my dad thinks that I can do more and my finances have ah, undergone some significant altering. So far I've knocked out psychology, Intro to Imaginative Writing, and Math 1010 (if only this counted as a general...if only). This semester I'm taking Human Biology and Decade of the 60s. My Human Bio professor is a chiropractor from Bountiful and has a very...lighthearted way of lecturing. I think that he finds the shallowness of the course a bit of a joke, but he's very passionate about what he's doing. I love when the class gets him on a tangent for that exact reason. I wasn't very sure how I felt about the 60s class, and I was pretty sleep deprived when I signed up for it and I'm pretty sure that I only signed up for it because it was on the list of general education requirements and it was immediately after Human Biology ended on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, I've been pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying the class, and the professor (he kept tossing his marker on the floor in feigned shock the first day of class and I seriously considered dropping out sheer annoyance). Dru (my professor) knows his stuff and listening to him lecture is fascinating. Also, when I signed up for the class I kinda forgot that the Civil Rights movement and Vietnam took place during the 60s, so when I found out that we'd be covering more than Woodstock, I was relieved.
Due to my education, I haven't been working full time like I mentioned, and that's led to me not being able to swing going to Thia as often as I'd like. Also, given the choice between going to dance and wandering around Downtown Farmer's Market, sorry Thia but you lose. The market ends this month though and I want to go back, so I'm pulling together loose change to pay her the $40 for lessons every month. I'm not going back to the technique class though; I've gotten on with a troupe. So now, I dance on Wednesday evenings and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to find a gold beaded bra and belt or cough up $300 to purchase one. I'm still going to Beth every Monday night because Beth is awesome and doesn't make me pay her anything and helps me make costumes. I think Beth and I are friends now. Maybe Beth will help me make a bra and belt...or let me borrow one for Spring Fest.
I moved back down to 30 day at work. If I'd gone to flex time in level 1/2, I think that I would have been okay but working full time was killing my stats up there. I didn't make incentive once in the six months that I was up there. My team lead is named Marjorie and she's a bit withdrawn but she's pretty cool too. Other than that, aside from a bunch of stupid policy changes, not a whole lot has gone on in the work side of life.
And finally, I'm giving the LDS religion another try. Well, try isn't exactly the appropriate term, but it's the closest thing that I can think of right now. I've done a lot of self-scrutinizing lately and been thinking on the larger scale of things and I've come to the two following conclusions: 1) I've noticed (particularly in Wyoming) that others treat each other and deal with each other differently than I do and I don't think that it's a personality thing. I think that it's a growing up with a strong religious background ( don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to downplay anyone else's creed or convictions) that's had a lot to do with that. I talked to Tyler a lot about it and he worded it perfectly when he said "a lot of the people I know are good people, they're just rudderless." While I do have some disagreements with the LDS church's doctrine, it is something that I want for my children. 2)Tyler words also struck a cord in me. Rudderless is exactly how I've been feeling for quite some time.
Now because I'm posting this for the whole world to read, I'm going to end it at that. I'm going back, I went to sacrament meeting for the first time in six years last Sunday.
So yeah...that's about it. Oh, and I plan to give y'all pictures with future posts too. Awesome.
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